Dagtrip met kleine groep naar de Dolomieten en Cortina vanuit Venetië
U ontmoet uw chauffeur/gids in het centrum van Venetië en u verlaat de stad vervolgens per luxe minibus om naar het noorden te reizen door het platteland van Veneto en de Sesto-regio in de Dolomieten.
Stop voor een kop koffie (op eigen kosten) in Pieve di Cadore, een prachtig dorpje dat bekend is als de geboorteplaats van de renaissanceschilder Titiaan. Vervolgens reist u per minibus naar Lago di Misurina – bekend als de 'Parel van de Dolomieten'. Houd uw camera in de aanslag voor adembenemende foto's van het meer tegen de achtergrond van de Tre Cime di Lavaredo – de drie opvallende pieken van de Dolomieten.
Pauzeer bij een lokale trattoria voor de lunch (op eigen kosten), en kies vervolgens tussen een wandeling maken of ontspannen in het restaurant. Als u voor de wandeling kiest, volgt u de uitleg van uw chauffeur/gids en loopt u over een van de minder vermoeiende bergpaden om het prachtige landschap beter te bekijken.
's Middags verlaat u de uitlopers van de Tre Cime di Lavaredo en reist u per touringcar naar het chique wintersportoord Cortina d'Ampezzo, waar welvarende Italianen niet alleen heen gaan om te skiën, maar ook om te zien en gezien te worden. Stop voor foto’s op een panoramisch uitkijkpunt en absorbeer het uitzicht over de bruisende stad, die wordt omringd door hemelhoge bergen. Geniet van uw vrije tijd in Cortina om zo veel of zo weinig te doen als u wilt. Bekijk de elegante winkels of bezoek een van de vele cafés in de straten voor een kop koffie (op eigen kosten). U ontmoet uw chauffeur/gids weer op het vooraf afgesproken tijdstip om terug te gaan naar Venetië, langs de toppen van de Dolomieten die baden in de late middagzon. Uw tour eindigt 's avonds bij het beginpunt.
Dagtour in de Dolomieten in de wintermaanden
Ga tussen 15 november en 31 maart mee met de dagtour in de Dolomieten vanuit Venetië om Cortina te bezoeken, waar u vrije tijd hebt om door het drukke stadscentrum te wandelen en de vele winkels van deze beroemde Dolomietenstad te bekijken.
Daarna gaan we op weg naar het pittoreske Lago di Braies, ook wel bekend als 'de parel onder de Dolomietenmeren’. Het ligt in het prachtige dal Val Pusteria en wordt beschouwd als een van de mooiste meren in Zuid-Tirol. Hier krijgt u de gelegenheid om een ontspannen wandeling te maken of om te genieten van het mooie uitzicht vanuit een van de cafés aan het meer, terwijl u van warme chocolademelk nipt.
Vervolgens reizen we naar San Candido, een van de mooiste Zuid-Tiroler dorpen in de Dolomieten. U kunt rondwandelen en lokale specialiteiten proeven, zoals speck, lokale kazen en de verrukkelijke canederli – een traditionele eerste gang waarvan het recept al generaties lang wordt doorgegeven. Voor zoetekauwen is er de heerlijke strudel.
Tussen 23 november en 6 januari maakt u in San Candido de kerstmarkt mee. Alle kraampjes bevinden zich, omringd door kerstdecoraties, in het voetgangersgebied. U zult in de ban raken van de gezellige, magische sfeer.
- Chauffeur/tourbegeleiding
- Gemakkelijke wandeling zonder gids door de natuur (optioneel)
- Vervoer in Mercedes of vergelijkbare minibus met airconditioning
- Fooien (optioneel)
- Ophalen en afzetten bij hotel
- Eten en drinken, tenzij aangegeven
- Bevestiging krijgt u ten tijde van de boeking
- Er is een minimumaantal reizigers vereist. Het kan zijn dat de tocht na bevestiging wordt geannuleerd als er niet genoeg deelnemers zijn. Mocht dit gebeuren, dan krijgt u een alternatief aangeboden of een volledige restitutie
- Het bezoek aan de uitlopers van Tre Cime di Lavaredo is seizoensgebonden (eind mei t/m oktober) en afhankelijk van de weersomstandigheden. Wanneer toegang onmogelijk is, blijft u in plaats daarvan langer in Cortina
- Tours gaan door bij elke weersomstandigheid, dus trek geschikte kleding aan
- Kinderen dienen begeleid te worden door een volwassene
- Kinderzitjes zijn op aanvraag beschikbaar, mits vermeld bij de boeking (voor kinderen die minder dan 36 kg wegen of kleiner dan 150 cm zijn, moet geschikte kinderbeveiliging worden gebruikt). Wij behouden ons het recht voor kinderen te weigeren als wij op het moment van de boeking geen melding hebben ontvangen en de autostoelen niet voldoen aan de eisen van de Italiaanse wet.
- Alle reizigers moeten de volwassenenprijs betalen

Wow!! This tour was amazing. Great driver and such an amazing place to see! I would highly recommend this tour
Our driver/tour guide, Phillipe, was excellent! He was informative and an amazing driver. He even stopped a few times to let us see the views and get pictures (and he was gracious enough to take pictures of us). We were lucky to have perfect weather so that always helps to make a trip like this even better. One thing you should be aware of....this is a long drive! We were in a nice van that took four couples however if you get stuck in the back hopefully the others in the van will take turns with the seating. There are quite a lot of switchbacks and fast driving so if you get car sick, this may not be the trip for you. However, the sites were spectacular so if you can stomach it, make it happen. Well worth the cost!
Fantastic day. Our guide was very charismatic and knowledgeable and provided with much information. The day was very interesting with great scenery throughout the journey. Well worth it.
Wonderful trip with amazing scenery. Driver was very knowledgeable about places we stopped at. Definitely worth the price.
This tour was such a great way to see the beautiful Dolomite mountains! It is a perfect tour to go on as a family! It makes a lot of stops so you are able to get out and take pictures and explore!
The scenery and guide were great, but there wasn't much time at the all the stops. We got less than an hour at most places other than when we stopped for lunch.
Our guide, Marco was awesome. The trip was scenic and we were allowed to get down and take pictures at such spots. This trip (unlike some others) was relaxing.
At first I understood that there would be more touring and informative discussion, my disappointment was in the fact that the 9 hour tour consisted of 5 hours in the vehicle getting to the mountains and return to Venice. The beauty of the region is exceptional not sure I would recommend a full day in Italy just to get there.
Our tour guide, Philipo, was awesome! He spoke English very well and was patient and courteous the whole trip. He gave us ample time at each stop, even gave us recommendations! Lunch was at a great spot and the cost was reasonable. I only wish it were a clearer day, but we had an awesome time nevertheless. This was a great value!
Our guide was very helpful, filled with information. Answered all our questions, had a great sense of humor! Couldn't have asked for a better guide!
We had Incredible views of snow capped mountains the entire day. The weather was beautiful, and our minivan of 8 was so lucky to have Giovanni as our guide and driver. He is so knowledgeable and interesting, with just the right balance of humor, history and facts. His guidance kept our group on time without the feeling of being too rushed. Cortina was lovely, and the lakes were equally picturesque. We had time for a leisurely lunch and extra free time at one of the lakes. The tour was well paced, and Giovanni was an excellent driver. I highly recommend this tour for anyone who wants to visit the breathtaking Dolomite mountains and lakes on a day tour from Venice.
First the good: The Dolomites/Cortina portion of the Italian Alps are incredible! We stopped at so many postcard-worthy picture spots, to include an outstanding lunch in the amazing town of Misurina. If you have time, a day-trip here from Venice is a must! Now the not-so-good: Our driver, Francesco, was a pretty bad driver, especially through the windy roads of the Dolomites. He also rarely pointed out points of interest while driving, and primarily had a private conversation with the 2 tour members in the front seat. He later mentioned that he's only a driver, not a "tour guide" which is what we expected. So, bottom line, great location, but I think we got the short end of the stick on drivers. Ask for someone other then him if you go.
What a great day we had we had. The views were beautiful. I can’t wait to go back and enjoy the mountains.
We absolutely loved this tour. We went on a spring day which was cool, but beautiful. We loved the Dolmites. Yes, you spend a lot of time in the van, but it's definitely worth it. There were many highlights, but we particularly loved a lake we went to that was still frozen over and surrounded by mountains and Cortina D'Ampezzo. We also enjoyed our lunch in San Candido, a small town in northern Italy where all the signs were in German and the restaurants serve German food. It was like being in Austria. This was the highlight of our trip to Europe. If you've already been to Venice, as we had, it is worth the trip. We and others on the tour didn't want to return to Venice.
We loved our trip to the Dolomite Mountains and Cortina! The sheer mass of the mountains were awe inspiring, especially seeing them from a distance and getting up closer to feel the height and mass of them. Our guide had lots of information to share with us and really made the trip come to life. We had lots of opportunities to take pictures, stretch our legs, have a meal and learn more about this beautiful country.
We where advised by Viator to take the People mover transporter at Tronchetta (20 mins trip to the meeting point) for a 8:00 start, however the transporter doesn’t open until 8:10 on Sundays, so we had to walk the 2.5kms to the meeting point, luckily we had left early from our motel and just made it in time. Marco our driver advised he has made this trip many many times over 8 years and was a fantastic guide and company, which made the rest of the day outstanding for us and all the other travellers.
All of the sites visited were stunning and by going off season we had the dolomite mountains all to ourselves..our guide was friendly and a good driver..highly recommend
We loved our day in the Dolomites with Luka! He helped to make our day fun and special. He was such a careful driver and even checked with the local police on road conditions. He worked very hard to make our day special. He did not disappoint. Viator, you offer quality service and great professional leaders.
The views of the mountains were amazing. My pictures came out looking like post cards. Shopping and food was also good.
We were blessed to have clear skies with some clouds so that we could witness the grandeur of these Italian Alps. The clouds would part with blue skies and then mist over in bits and pieces occasionally so that we got some wonderful views. Lunch by the lake (on our own) was a treat. Our guide was friendly and knowledgeable.
The day of our tour the weather was overcast and raining, THIS TOUR SHOULD NOT OPERATE DURING INCLEMENT WEATHER. To summarize our trip, we spent 5 hrs riding around staring at grey skies, when we did stop for breaks we had to quickly find shelter and wait for the scheduled departure time. The ski town of Cortina d'Ampezzo it was a ghost town, there was absolutely nothing open, NOTHING! There were no cars or people, it felt like we had visited a town in a Stephen King novel, we begged our driver not to leave us standing in the rain with nothing to do. We never observed any mountain peaks or scenic views pictured in this tour because the weather obscure the view the entire trip. We could not wait for this tour to end, in retrospect my wife and I agreed that it would have been better to forgo the 360 we paid for this tour and remained in Venice.
My wife and I recently had the opportunity to take this trip from Venice to the Dolomite mountains and Cortina and we're so glad we did. The day we went. 09/24/18, was an absolutely beautiful day. The views that we saw that day were awesome, one more beautiful then the next. Our driver/tour guide, Marco, was very friendly, informative and provided just enough information without going into an overload situation. All in all, this trip was well worth the investment.