2-daagse tour langs hoogtepunten van het zuiden van Ierland vanuit Dublin
Uw eerste stop is de wereldberoemde Rock of Cashel in County Tipperary. Dit is een van Ierlands meest intrigerende plekken. U treedt in de voetsporen van St. Patrick, met aan weerszijden ruïnes, Keltische kruisen en ronde torens. De Rock of Cashel was de zetel van de koningen van Munster, totdat ze het complex bijna 1000 jaar geleden schonken aan de katholieke kerk voor gebruik als kathedraal.
De volgende stop is 20 minuten rijden: Cork, de tweede stad van Ierland. Hier bezoeken we de Engelse markten waar koningin Elizabeth II onlangs is geweest. Er zijn allerlei lokale producten te koop, zoals ambachtelijke vleeswaren en kaas. Dit is een ideale plek om te lunchen.
's Middags bezoeken we Blarney Castle, waar u de Blarney Stone kunt kussen. Blarney is ook beroemd om zijn kunst en kunstnijverheid, in overvloed te vinden in Blarney Woolen Mills, een van de grootste Ierse winkels.
Terugtocht naar Cork, waar u de nacht doorbrengt. In Cork kunt u kiezen uit allerlei traditionele eet-, muziek- en dansgelegenheden.
Begin de dag met een rit door de Golden Vale, een van de beste landbouwplekken van Ierland. Stop in Limerick om de rivier de Shannon te bekijken en geniet vervolgens van uitzicht over King John's Castle.
Vervolgens gaat we langs de beroemde Wild Atlantic Way en de ruige kust van County Clare. We verkennen de Burren, een maanlandschap van 300 miljoen jaar oud, met unieke kenmerken zoals ondergrondse rivieren en watervallen. Luister naar de verhalen van uw gids over onze voorouders die de Ierse hongersnood van 1845-1849 hebben doorstaan. Daarbij zijn meer dan een miljoen van hen naar de uithoeken van de wereld getrokken, vooral naar Groot-Brittannië, Australië en Noord-Amerika. Doolin is de thuisbasis van traditionele Ierse muziek en de plek waar we stoppen voor de lunch. Hier krijgen we de kans om zelfgemaakte traditionele Ierse gerechten te proeven.
We gaan door naar de Cliffs of Moher, een van de populairste natuurlijke toeristische bestemmingen in Ierland. Ze zijn meer dan 213 meter hoog en u kunt er prachtige vogels zien, zoals papegaaiduikers en Jan-van-Genten.
De laatste stop is Bunratty Castle. Daar kunt u foto's nemen van het kasteel voordat we terugrijden naar Dublin waar de fantastische tour om ongeveer 19:30 uur eindigt.
- Overnachting
- Alle belastingen, toeslagen en verwerkingskosten
- Entree
- Ontbijt
- chauffeur en gids
- Eten en drinken, tenzij aangegeven
- Ophalen en afzetten bij hotel
- Fooien (optioneel)
- Bevestiging krijgt u ten tijde van de boeking
- Niet rolstoeltoegankelijk

The first day of this tour was great, but the "upgraded" accommodations in Cork were not as expected. The "buffet" breakfast was down right terrible. We had two different drivers on day two and was left feeling this tour is better done in 2 single day trips.
Seeing the cliffs, Blarney castle, Cork, and other castles was great but the service provided by the vendor was lacking. Prior to going on the trip we didn't receive any itinerary which I found very concerning. When I travel I like to know where I am going and when I am going there. For the 2 day trip you start on a bus that is a mix of people doing the 2 day tour and people doing a day tour, that doesn't get explained to you until later in the day. The overnight in Cork was great but we would have missed the bus in the morning if we followed our bus driver's instructions. The bed and breakfast we stayed in told us a different time for the bus when we checked in so it was very confusing who we should believe. We ended up going to the vendor's office to fully confirm. Again this was very concerning and something that could have been avoided had we been provided an itinerary. In the morning we had a different bus driver, again it was a mix of people doing the 2 day and single day tour. We found out upon getting to the bus that we had to go to another city approx 1/5 hours away to pick up more people, again not a huge deal but it would have been nice to know via an itinerary. While picking the people up we had to wait for 30 minutes because a previous bus didn't pick up all the people they were supposed to, so that cut into our time. The bus driver on the second day was eh, not very friendly or informative. Then the next surprise came, at the last stop the peole on the 2 day tour would be abandoned with their luggage to wait for another bus to come and bring us back to Dublin. The tour company did not leave anyone with us to ensure the other bus showed up, nor did they make arrangements for our luggage to be stored while we waited 45 minutes for another bus to show up. I found this very unprofessional considering that in the morning we had to wait 30 minutes for people that weren't even on our bus but then no consideration was given to us for the same treatment. When the 3rd bus finally arrived it was from another tour so we were just joining at the end for the ride back to Dublin. The bus driver informed us that we most likely wouldn't get to sit together because the people from the day trip didn't leave any seats together for us. What kind of tour company can't organize that they are going to have more people joining the bus and doesn't save them seats together???? Overall found the service, communication and organization very lacking.
Joined the Paddywagon crew for an early morning start. First day was worthy but 3 bus changes later, a delay of more than an hour and a drop-off at a spot different from where we were fetched left a bitter taste in our mouths.
We got lucky with beautiful weather and great drivers both days. Richard was wonderful-we learned a lot about Ireland, we laughed and enjoyed the day. Michael was entertaining as well and made sure we were timely and understanding everything he said. My only issue was that our Bed and Breakfast in Cork was not accommodating to the warm weather so our room was very hot at night. We barely slept. A fan would have been nice!
This is a great tour! We went through Paddywagon and the driver/guide was super. He certainly kept us entertained and made sure we had a good trip.
Amazing, loved this tour. A great way to see alot of Ireland in a limited time, would definitely recommend.