Belize Hol Chan Marine Reserve en Shark Ray Alley Snorkeltour vanuit Ambergris Caye
3 h
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Over deze activiteit
Stap aan boord van een motorboot voor een tocht van 6,4 kilometer, 15 minuten rijden naar Hol Chan Marine Reserve (Maya voor 'Klein kanaal'), het eerste zeereservaat in Midden-Amerika.
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Verken het ondiepe rif van dit kanaal terwijl u snorkelt in de kristalheldere wateren van het Caraïbisch gebied. Omdat het gebied een beschermde status en drie ecologische zones heeft, vindt u gezonde koraal- en zeegrasbedden die 160 verschillende vissoorten ondersteunen, waaronder grote scholen rifvissen zoals houweelvissen, makrelen en snappers.
Ga vervolgens naar het zuiden naar uw tweede snorkelstop, Shark Ray Alley, waar u pijlstaartroggen ziet die het water zachtjes uitwaaieren met hun spanwijdte van 0,6 tot 1,2 meter. U ziet de nieuwsgierige maar zachtaardige bruine verpleegsterhaaien onder u zwemmen! Na uw ontmoeting met deze verbazingwekkende zeedieren, springt u in de boot en keert u terug naar uw hotel.
- Professionele gids
- Fles water
- Gebruik van snorkeluitrusting
- Entree
- Ophalen en afzetten bij hotels in het centrum van Ambergris Caye
Niet inclusief
- Fooien (optioneel)
- Ophalen en wegbrengen bij alle hotels ten noorden van San Pedro-stad (u kunt bij aankomst een retourdienst kopen)
- Bevestiging krijgt u ten tijde van de boeking
- Minimumleeftijd 8 jaar
- Opmerking: gemiddelde moeilijkheidsgraad; passagiers moeten een redelijke fysieke conditie hebben om deel te nemen
I was so excited about this trip and it seemed like the reviews were great, but we did not have that same experience. They told us they would pick us up at 8:45 from our hotel's dock, they came at about 9:05 with no apologies for being late. I understand tours can run behind pick up other people, but it was so hot sitting in the direct sun for that long and having no idea what the boat looked like and having to ask every boat that came by if they were for us. They seemed put out to even be having to pick us up, but it's included in the price. When we got to Hol Chan we were informed that we were on a boat full of other people who were doing snuba. We were the only 2 snorkelers on this trip, I'm not sure why we'd have been put on the same trip as them. We had to sit there and wait forever while every one went out doing the snuba. It was such a waste of time. When we did get to snorkel they made us go out with a guide and he told us we had to stay with him, which was fine, but he seriously was the slowest swimmer I could ever imagine. I felt like we sat in the water waiting for him to catch up, I got so cold in the water being still waiting for him. The reefs were beautiful and shark ray alley was great, but overall this tour company was pretty awful. Rude, not helpful, and the fact that it was not as advertised being a snuba trip was a real disappointment.
Our guide was amazing. Small boat, but better than the other boats out there. We got a lot more time in the water than other companies doing the same tour. Plus since it was a smaller group there were a lot less people which is always better when snorkeling.
Absolutely gorgeous sites to snorkel! Hol Chan had amazing marine life - I am an experienced scuba diver of over 15 years and saw more on this snorkel than on some dives. We were treated to sea turtles, manatees, nurse shark, moray eels, stingrays, and more. Shark Ray Alley is treat for anyone who loves to swim with marine life! Definitely recommended!
great tour guides
The guides from Discovery were extremely knowledgeable and attentive to all snorkelers and divers.